Wrestling With Love
Mark Twain once said that at the age of twelve a boy starts imitating a man and just keeps on doing that the rest of his life. In fact, men's lives are filled with rich opportunities and dilemmas. Wrestling With Love explores the male experience of intimacy through the life cycle—with women, children, friends and each other. Dr. Gus Napier praised this book in the following way: "With a rare combination of compassion, insight, and wisdom, Osherson tackles the vital area of men's struggles with intimacy. One of the first to write about men's dilemmas, the author's depth of experience shines through, offering men a powerful sense of being understood. This book touched me, and helped me feel better about myself." Dr. Lillian Rubin wrote that "...Sam Osherson's Wrestling With Love is a wise, wonderful and provocative book that should be required reading for every man who is or hopes to be a lover, a husband, or a father. If more men's literature dealt as honestly and persuasively with men's difficulties in intimate relationships, more women would have cause to celebrate."